Raspberry Pi Related Resources
PiWars (Raspberry Pi based Robotics competition) https://piwars.org/
Pi-Power-Tools (Cool Utility for Raspberry Pi) https://github.com/Botspot/Pi-Power-Tools
Program a Game with Python (Alternative way to learn Python) https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books/essentials-games-vol1
Jim The STEAM Clown's Raspberry Pi/Python Curriculum https://sites.google.com/view/steam-clown-mechatronics/units/unit-6-prog...
MagPi Magazine Issues https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/issues
MagPi Magazine Books https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books
Python Project from Raspberry Pi Foundation https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/python-module-1
MagPi Command Line Book https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books/command-line-second-edition
My IT Instructor Network+ Raspberry Pi Resource Page https://www.myitinstructor.com/pi-networking
Pi-Hole - Raspberry Pi based Network Ad-Blocker https://pi-hole.net/
Pi-Apps - Another Cool Utility for Raspberry Pi https://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps
Raspberry Pi Desktop Virtual https://distrotest.net/Raspberry%20Pi%20Desktop
Raspberry Pi Desktop OS (For x86 PCs) www.raspberrypi.org/software/raspberry-pi-desktop/
Mythic Beast Raspberry PI Servers online www.mythic-beasts.com/order/rpi/
Connect your Pizero W to a PC w/USB to control GPIO gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pi_zero_otg.html
Remotely access GPIOs over the network gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/remote_gpio.html
Pi-Power-Tools (Cool Utility for Raspberry Pi) https://github.com/Botspot/Pi-Power-Tools
Program a Game with Python (Alternative way to learn Python) https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books/essentials-games-vol1
Jim The STEAM Clown's Raspberry Pi/Python Curriculum https://sites.google.com/view/steam-clown-mechatronics/units/unit-6-prog...
MagPi Magazine Issues https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/issues
MagPi Magazine Books https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books
Python Project from Raspberry Pi Foundation https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/python-module-1
MagPi Command Line Book https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/books/command-line-second-edition
My IT Instructor Network+ Raspberry Pi Resource Page https://www.myitinstructor.com/pi-networking
Pi-Hole - Raspberry Pi based Network Ad-Blocker https://pi-hole.net/
Pi-Apps - Another Cool Utility for Raspberry Pi https://github.com/Botspot/pi-apps
Raspberry Pi Desktop Virtual https://distrotest.net/Raspberry%20Pi%20Desktop
Raspberry Pi Desktop OS (For x86 PCs) www.raspberrypi.org/software/raspberry-pi-desktop/
Mythic Beast Raspberry PI Servers online www.mythic-beasts.com/order/rpi/
Connect your Pizero W to a PC w/USB to control GPIO gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pi_zero_otg.html
Remotely access GPIOs over the network gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/remote_gpio.html
COMPTIA Training Links
Professor Messer Home Page https://www.professormesser.com/
Messer A+1001 YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnlGHY8ObL8DiyP3AIu9vd3K
Messer A+1002 YouTube Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnmwkCAdWUgCFvVK4IxMBTmb
Messer Network+ YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnmpdmX7RoTOyuNJQAb-r-gd
Messer Security+ YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnkL2ulFS3132mOVKuzzBxA8
PowerCert Animated Videos are great resource to use for teaching Network+ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQJ4GjTiq5lmn8czf8oo0Q
Messer A+1001 YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnlGHY8ObL8DiyP3AIu9vd3K
Messer A+1002 YouTube Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnmwkCAdWUgCFvVK4IxMBTmb
Messer Network+ YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnmpdmX7RoTOyuNJQAb-r-gd
Messer Security+ YouTube Playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG49S3nxzAnkL2ulFS3132mOVKuzzBxA8
PowerCert Animated Videos are great resource to use for teaching Network+ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQJ4GjTiq5lmn8czf8oo0Q
Cyber Security Related Links
National Governors Association Cyber Security Resources www.nga.org/statecyber/
Cyber.org Webpage cyber.org/
CyberPatriot Webpage www.uscyberpatriot.org/
The National Cyber League https://nationalcyberleague.org/
CyberStart www.cyberstartamerica.org/
Check out the panel we offered at NICE K12 including the inaugural Presidential Cybersecurity Education Award winner, Donna Woods. "Innovative Ways K12 Teachers Transitioned to Distanced Learning" https://cyber-guild.org/nicek12panel/
Cyber.org Webpage cyber.org/
CyberPatriot Webpage www.uscyberpatriot.org/
The National Cyber League https://nationalcyberleague.org/
CyberStart www.cyberstartamerica.org/
Check out the panel we offered at NICE K12 including the inaugural Presidential Cybersecurity Education Award winner, Donna Woods. "Innovative Ways K12 Teachers Transitioned to Distanced Learning" https://cyber-guild.org/nicek12panel/
Cyber Security Resources from Henry Danielson
free NICE practice challenge I made https://cci.calpoly.edu/nice-framework
CTF PRACTICE websites https://sites.google.com/view/beginnercapturetheflagctf/home
Start with Nebula and search for walkthroughs when you get stuck (after searching and researching). It's very much the linux side of the equation, and you might also want to look into web things. But I think it's a fun start.
Check out these two links.
Trail of Bits CTF Guide
Fun website that makes you hack to get in
pico ctf ctftime.org vulnmeb.com tryhackme.com
https://nationalcyberleague.org/ Holiday Hack Challenge
I made this website !! CTF for noobs https://sites.google.com/view/beginnercapturetheflagctf/home
CTF PRACTICE websites https://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/capture-the-flag-a-thorough-introduction/ https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2014/blob/master/olympic-ctf-2014/cryp...
Start with Nebula and search for walkthroughs when you get stuck (after searching and researching). It's very much the linux side of the equation, and you might also want to look into web things. But I think it's a fun start. 8 LifeBurnsFaster•4y
Check out these two links. Trail of Bits CTF Guide https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/
OverTheWire http://overthewire.org/wargames/
Fun website that makes you hack to get in https://codeburst.io/hack-the-box-how-to-get-invite-code-56e369fc8dae https://code.likeagirl.io/ctf-beginner-guide-by-a-beginner-3c86e4959fcc http://captf.com/intro/Intro%20to%20CTF.pdf https://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/capture-the-flag-a-thorough-introduction/ http://captf.com/practice-ctf/ https://www.sjoerdlangkemper.nl/2018/12/19/practice-hacking-with-vulnera... https://ctflearn.com/ https://youtu.be/eW_Mfyh4Mp8 https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/intro/ https://jhalon.github.io/2018-google-ctf-beginners-intro/
CTF PRACTICE websites https://sites.google.com/view/beginnercapturetheflagctf/home
Start with Nebula and search for walkthroughs when you get stuck (after searching and researching). It's very much the linux side of the equation, and you might also want to look into web things. But I think it's a fun start.
Check out these two links.
Trail of Bits CTF Guide
Fun website that makes you hack to get in
pico ctf ctftime.org vulnmeb.com tryhackme.com
https://nationalcyberleague.org/ Holiday Hack Challenge
I made this website !! CTF for noobs https://sites.google.com/view/beginnercapturetheflagctf/home
CTF PRACTICE websites https://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/capture-the-flag-a-thorough-introduction/ https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2014/blob/master/olympic-ctf-2014/cryp...
Start with Nebula and search for walkthroughs when you get stuck (after searching and researching). It's very much the linux side of the equation, and you might also want to look into web things. But I think it's a fun start. 8 LifeBurnsFaster•4y
Check out these two links. Trail of Bits CTF Guide https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/
OverTheWire http://overthewire.org/wargames/
Fun website that makes you hack to get in https://codeburst.io/hack-the-box-how-to-get-invite-code-56e369fc8dae https://code.likeagirl.io/ctf-beginner-guide-by-a-beginner-3c86e4959fcc http://captf.com/intro/Intro%20to%20CTF.pdf https://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/capture-the-flag-a-thorough-introduction/ http://captf.com/practice-ctf/ https://www.sjoerdlangkemper.nl/2018/12/19/practice-hacking-with-vulnera... https://ctflearn.com/ https://youtu.be/eW_Mfyh4Mp8 https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/intro/ https://jhalon.github.io/2018-google-ctf-beginners-intro/
Accessibility Related Links
NetAcad Accessibility www.netacad.com/portal/faq-page/accessibility
Voluntary Product Accessibilty Template (VPAT) www.section508.gov/sell/vpat
Cisco VPAT Documents www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/accessibility/voluntary-product-acce...
Voluntary Product Accessibilty Template (VPAT) www.section508.gov/sell/vpat
Cisco VPAT Documents www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/accessibility/voluntary-product-acce...
Linux Related Resources
Tobi West - Check out our new OER Intro to Linux course in the Canvas Commons. Includes the textbook and all instructor resources. https://lor.instructure.com/resources/9b52af8d6bfb47b6a78f6f8124044999?s...
CodeAcademy www.codecademy.com/
Red Hat Academy www.redhat.com/en/services/training/red-hat-academy
Code HS codehs.com/
TestOut Linux Pro www.testout.com/courses/linux-pro
NetAcad NDG Linux Unhatched www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-unhatched
NetAcad NDG Linux Essentials www.netdevgroup.com/online/courses/open-source/linux-essentials
NetAcad NDG Linux 1 www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-I
NetAcad NDG Linux 2 www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-II
CodeAcademy www.codecademy.com/
Red Hat Academy www.redhat.com/en/services/training/red-hat-academy
Code HS codehs.com/
TestOut Linux Pro www.testout.com/courses/linux-pro
NetAcad NDG Linux Unhatched www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-unhatched
NetAcad NDG Linux Essentials www.netdevgroup.com/online/courses/open-source/linux-essentials
NetAcad NDG Linux 1 www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-I
NetAcad NDG Linux 2 www.netacad.com/courses/os-it/ndg-linux-II
Python Related Links
CodeAcademy https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python
Edx https://www.edx.org/learn/python
Microsoft has 44 introductory videos on Python . . . https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrxD0HtieHhS8VzuMCfQD4uJ9yne1mE6
Here is one more which is nice because there is an emulator to try code in.
Check out the Python Institute for great resources . . . https://pythoninstitute.org/free-python-courses/
Here are some resources from OpenSource.com . . . https://opensource.com/tags/python
Don't forget about the FreeCodeCamp website--many resources. This link is about learning Python building five games . . . https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-python-by-building-5-games/
Microsoft also has some great resources at no cost, along with general data science and AI materials: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/search/?terms=python&category=Learn
I find that both Apress https://www.apress.com/us and Manning https://www.manning.com/ have a lot of good books on various topics, including Python.
Several Instructors mentioned LinkedIN Learning www.linkedin.com/learning
Edx https://www.edx.org/learn/python
Microsoft has 44 introductory videos on Python . . . https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrxD0HtieHhS8VzuMCfQD4uJ9yne1mE6
Here is one more which is nice because there is an emulator to try code in.
Check out the Python Institute for great resources . . . https://pythoninstitute.org/free-python-courses/
Here are some resources from OpenSource.com . . . https://opensource.com/tags/python
Don't forget about the FreeCodeCamp website--many resources. This link is about learning Python building five games . . . https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-python-by-building-5-games/
Microsoft also has some great resources at no cost, along with general data science and AI materials: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/search/?terms=python&category=Learn
I find that both Apress https://www.apress.com/us and Manning https://www.manning.com/ have a lot of good books on various topics, including Python.
Several Instructors mentioned LinkedIN Learning www.linkedin.com/learning
Random Links
David Nowak - Poll Everywhere is a great resource. https://www.polleverywhere.com/ I have used it in our face-to-face modalities, but it really helps with being virtual as well. You can get feedback from your students without students feeling that they are being called out. There is a free educator's account: https://www.polleverywhere.com/plans/higher-ed
AWS Educate aws.amazon.com/education/awseducate/
David Nowak - Thinking about teaching that is inclusive of social and economic justice concerns, is anyone doing work in this area and computer science-related fields? Within the area of math, check out http://radicalmath.org/ as one such example.
Google IT Professional Certificates grow.google/programs/it-support/#?modal_active=none
Google Cloud- we currently collecting case studies and syllabus examples of universities who are successfully integrating our curriculum. Once ready, it will be available on the Learning Center website - https://edu.google.com/programs/
Google Cloud cloud.google.com/certification and edu.google.com/programs/cloud-computing-curriculum
Google Cloud If you're interested in getting Qwiklabs credits for your class you can apply here - https://edu.google.com/programs/credits/training/
AWS Educate aws.amazon.com/education/awseducate/
David Nowak - Thinking about teaching that is inclusive of social and economic justice concerns, is anyone doing work in this area and computer science-related fields? Within the area of math, check out http://radicalmath.org/ as one such example.
Google IT Professional Certificates grow.google/programs/it-support/#?modal_active=none
Google Cloud- we currently collecting case studies and syllabus examples of universities who are successfully integrating our curriculum. Once ready, it will be available on the Learning Center website - https://edu.google.com/programs/
Google Cloud cloud.google.com/certification and edu.google.com/programs/cloud-computing-curriculum
Google Cloud If you're interested in getting Qwiklabs credits for your class you can apply here - https://edu.google.com/programs/credits/training/
Tools for Recording Video Lectures
OBS Studio obsproject.com/
Camtasia www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html
Screencast-o-matic screencast-o-matic.com/
Canvas Studio https://canvas-support.emory.edu/canvas-resources/for-faculty/canvas-studio.html
Loom - www.loom.com/
Open Shot - www.openshot.org/
Camtasia www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html
Screencast-o-matic screencast-o-matic.com/
Canvas Studio https://canvas-support.emory.edu/canvas-resources/for-faculty/canvas-studio.html
Loom - www.loom.com/
Open Shot - www.openshot.org/
Staying Connected/Collaborating with Students
Here is an example tool called Zeetings . . . https://www.zeetings.com/ It allows your students to see your presentation directly on their screens, and allows you to embed quiz questions and surveys.
MS Teams - www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
Moodle - https://moodle.org/
Here's another tool: Loom (not Zoom). https://www.loom.com/ Both educators and students can use Loom for free to record videos, store them in the cloud, and provide others with a link to the videos and know when someone has watched your video. I am using it a lot to provide quick messages to students rather than emails.
Quizlet . . . https://quizlet.com/
Kahoot! - kahoot.com/
Soft Chalk Cloud . . . https://softchalkcloud.com/
If you are a Facebook subscriber, I recommend the group Pandemic Pedagogy. It has died down a little lately, but many, many great discussions there. The group has over 32,000 users . . . https://www.facebook.com/groups/pandemicpedagogy1
Perusall - free social reading/annotation platform! Autogrades and connects to your LMS perusall.com/
Discord - Social platform I plan to use to organize teams and let students connect socially discord.com/
Socrative - https://www.socrative.com/
MS Teams - www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
Moodle - https://moodle.org/
Here's another tool: Loom (not Zoom). https://www.loom.com/ Both educators and students can use Loom for free to record videos, store them in the cloud, and provide others with a link to the videos and know when someone has watched your video. I am using it a lot to provide quick messages to students rather than emails.
Quizlet . . . https://quizlet.com/
Kahoot! - kahoot.com/
Soft Chalk Cloud . . . https://softchalkcloud.com/
If you are a Facebook subscriber, I recommend the group Pandemic Pedagogy. It has died down a little lately, but many, many great discussions there. The group has over 32,000 users . . . https://www.facebook.com/groups/pandemicpedagogy1
Perusall - free social reading/annotation platform! Autogrades and connects to your LMS perusall.com/
Discord - Social platform I plan to use to organize teams and let students connect socially discord.com/
Socrative - https://www.socrative.com/